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Arcade Information


Arcade Boards
Arcade Boards

Konami Windy II
Konami Windy II

Konami Machines
Konami Machines

Old Collection
Old Collection

Old Collection

Please note that I no longer own any of the machines or boards shown on this page.


Most of the photo's in this section were taken on an old 35mm film camera, they were taken quite a few years ago and then scanned on my flatbed scanner.

Dragon's Lair - Atari/Cinematronics - 1983

Dragon's Lair

Cabinet arcade machine
LD Player Ser No UR0132081
Philips AH00347 101670
Model EDL Ser No 132469
LD Player broken (The disk spins up but doesn't read)

Screen Shots

As the Laser Disc is encoded in CAV, you get perfect stiff pause so images are easy to capture, these where captured from the Original Laser Disc using a Commodore Amiga A1200 computer with Prograb.

Screen Shot 001 Screen Shot 002 Screen Shot 003 Screen Shot 004 Screen Shot 005 Screen Shot 006 Screen Shot 007 Screen Shot 008 Screen Shot 009

166 images archive - 12MB RAR

Machine Images

Here's the machine, note the Powarcade and all the cardboard boxes with board in the first image (Photos taken in 1992).

The machine was playable when we first got it back.

Rear View Shots

PCB and Laser Disc Player

Restored Images

Lunar Rescue - © Taito Corp 1979 (Japanese version)

Lunar Rescue

Table Top arcade machine
Serial No GPV 17603

Shot 01 Shot 02 Shot 03

This machine was sold in full working gaming condition, with a full set of keys (two for the lid lock latches and one for the coin box) The coin box has been shock blasted and respray.

The Machine

I bought this back in 1995 at a car boot sale in Thamesmead for just £30 the game worked apart from the 1 player button, it had the original top glass and when I cut the tang on the lock holding the coin box in place it had over £3 in old large 10p coins in the coin box.

It was later sold in 2001 on eBay to an arcade game collector for £330, not a bad return.

Trivia:- I still own the SIDI motorcycle boots in the third image, also the blue tool box is one I made in the first year of my apprenticeship back in 1990.


More images, sorry these are the only images I have as I didn't own a digital camera back in 1998.


This is an Official home JAMMA arcade machine made by Silverline, me and my brother bought it back in 1992 for £310 from a shop in Bexleyheath called Arcade Gamer, this was a small shop inside a large shop called Trading World, it closed down long ago.

It comes with all the looms and a SCART socket for plugging into a television set, we used the excellent Phillips CM 8833 MkII 14" Monitor because TV's do not not have picture geometry controls and a monitor has a better image anyway.

Here are the few images I have, notice all the PCB's piled onto top of the machines, not the best board storage I've seen.

Powarcade Powarcade Next to Dragon's Lair

Powarcade 01 Powarcade 02

PC Conversion

In 2001 I decided to convert the Powarcade into a PC based machine using a PS2 keyboard converted to Joystick and Button inputs, this worked quite well.

The original control panel was thrown away and totally remade, the original JAMMA loom and PSU was later sold with a Super Famicom and Mega Drive convertors..

Notice the neat loom, how many times do you see that these days?

I then sold the machine on eBay, I wish I never converted or sold it as it was a great size machine for the home.

Trivia:- One of the joysticks went with the machine, the other is in the Metal GSRcade joystick.

Powarcade PC Conversion 01 Powarcade PC Conversion 02 Powarcade PC Conversion 03 Powarcade PC Conversion 04

Previous Boards

I love Shoot-Em-Ups and Platform games and this is a list of the arcade boards I used to own.

(J=Japanese Original Version)

Due to the nature of arcade PCB's there are damage to some boards.

Game Name Japanese Name Company Name Year Other Information
Sky Kid スカイキッド
Sukai Kiddoo
namco 1985 Loom
Doesn't boot (lose wire I think)
Commando (J) 戦場の狼
Senjou no Ookami
Wolf of the Battlefield
Capcom Co, Ltd 1985 Loom
Legendary Warrior Rygar アルゴスの戦士 Argus no Senshi Tecmo Ltd 1986 Loom
Graphics flicker sometimes
Side Arms Hyper Dyne サイドアーム
Saido Aamu
Capcom Co, Ltd 1986 JAMMA
Bootleg, score displayed off screen.
Ghost 'n' Goblins 魔界村
Demon World Village
Capcom Co, Ltd 1986 Loom
Double Dragon ダブルドラゴン Technos Japan Corp
(Licensed to Taito Corp)
1987 JAMMA
Gryzor 魂斗羅
Konami 1987 JAMMA+ (Stereo) vertical
Psycho Soldier (J) サイコソルジャー
Saiko Sorujaa
SNK Electronics Corp 1987 JAMMA
Bootleg mixed Japanese and US version
Psychic 5 (J) サイキック5 Jaleco 1987 JAMMA vertical
Wardner ワードナの森
Wardner's Forest
Taito Corporation Japan 1987 JAMMA
Bootleg, doesn't always boot
Wonder Boy Monsterland (J) ワンダーボーイ モンスターランド Sega/Westone 1987 Loom
Rom error, doesn't boot
(Chris Hardy still has my board!!!)
Altered Beast 獣王記
Beast King's Chronicle
Sega 1988 Loom
Wonder Boy III Monster Lair ワンダーボーイⅢモンスター・レアー Sega/Westone 1988 Loom
Thunder Cross (J) サンダークロス Konami 1988 JAMMA
Vulcan Venture グラディウスII ~GOFERの野望~
Gradius II ~The Ambitions of GOFER~
Konami 1988 JAMMA+ (Stereo)
Hellfire ヘルファイヤー Toaplan Co,Ltd
(Licensed to Taito Corp)
1989 JAMMA
Legend of Hero Tonma レジェンド・オブ・ヒーロー・トンマ Irem Corp 1989 JAMMA
Bootleg, sound crackles
Street Fighter II
The World Warrior
ストリートファイターⅡ Capcom Co, Ltd 1992 JAMMA+ (Kick buttons)

The games that require looms (to work like JAMMA) need attention (Loose connections, bad soldering etc...)


[T O P]