Main Game Download
Main Game File v0.85a - RAR - 2.2MB
Music Files (Optional) -RAR - 1.9MB
Demo Movie
Stage 1 Big Core Boss Test (.wmv file)
Nothing fancy here folks. Just a video of the 1st boss in action, consider it a teaser and an input request. Does this look like a first boss you guys can handle, or should I do something simpler? I want to keep this manic, but if this is too much, perhaps I'll save the really manic stuff for later bosses.
Development History
Cavadius Trial v0.90
- Stage 1 Added
- Particle system/explosions completely re-written
- Basic offline ranking support added
- Gauge Multiplier Bonus system added
- And more!
Cavadius Trial v0.85a
- Difficulty settings added (Easy, Normal, and Hard)
Currently, difficulty only affects the ferocity of enemy attacks. I may also have it change health values for enemies later on. Currently, Easy has much lower bullet counts (Approximately 66% less), Normal is slightly easier than the difficulty used in the initial trial release. Hard is, well...Let's just say it's ideal for those seeking a quick and painless death.
- Mini Core 2 (The one from Salamander) now has a new and much better looking bullet pattern.
- Minor Laser graphic fix (Glowing effect is now even width)
- Laser projectile speed increased by 2 pixels/frame, it now travels 14 pixels per frame. Max length unchanged.
- JOYSTICK SUPPORT! (I know you all wanted this, though you can't use both the keyboard and a joystick at the same time, sorry...)
- Joystick support fixed. New Deadzone setting added.
NOTE: You still have to use the keyboard for Enter, F4, F10, and ESC. These keys work even if a joystick is enabled.
Cavadius Trial Version 0.80
Hit F1 for ingame help/instructions ...Oh, and Enter is the "Start Button"
- 4 Weapon Arrays
- Several enemy types
- LOTS of bullets!
- Two Bullet Color schemes, Classic Gradius and Manic Shmup. Availble in Game Options.
- Some working game options (A/V Options are not implemented yet)
This is primarily a bugfix release of the Trial Version. Hopefully the
tweaks should improve playability.
...Sorry for the lame readme, I'll make a better one later.
[T O P]