This archive contains most of the Gradius related chip tunes I could find.
If you would like to read more about chiptunes then the Wiki below would be a good place to start.
GameStone's Chiptune Collection.rar
1st March 2017 - v1.20 - 158MB - Changelog
All three programs are portable (foobar2000 has an option to install a portable version on install).
Almost plays all the formats but the interface is a little poor, does not support m3u playlists or song length data so you have to manually advance to the next song. Mac, Windows and Linux versions are availible.
Doesn't play - sid (Commodore 64), minigsf (Game Boy Advance)
Most compatible - All formats play
The most versitile player due to the fact it can run its own native plugins as well as the Winamp plugins, also supports m3u playlists.
Best choice for Commodore 64 sid tunes because of the HVSC songlenth database and STIL support, plus the tunes sound better compaired to the foobar2000 plugin.
My main music player for mp3 that also plays most of the chip tune formats, also supports m3u playlists.
You could use good old Winamp but the programs got a little too bloated and interface has got way to complex, this was one of the reasons I started using foobar2000, which loads faster and has a nice simple interface. - v0.7.8a6 "Tommy Tallarico" Arbee's M1 Homepage - 10/01/2008 - BridgeM1 v0.6.0a14 - Front End - 18/10/2008, Track Listings for M1 - 18/04/2009
BridgeM1 Track Lists - 23k
BridgeM1 Roms - 13.8meg
Gradius Ultimate Collection - 9 - LC1956_2 - 13-01-2011 v0.3 - 252MB
GameStone's Unofficial 9th CD v0.3 16th August 2023 -
All tunes Copyright (c) Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd. - 1985-2023
Gradius Ultimate Collection (CD)
12600円 (£98 or $152 approx)
Released 13th January 2011
I was concerned that Gradius Ultimate Collection was missing some excellent tunes, so decided to
make a collection of the missing tunes.
Here's GameStone's Unofficial 9th CD for Gradius Ultimate Collection, plus some bonus tunes.
DISC 9----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gradius Generations (GBA) 22 tracks グラディウスジェネレーション(GBA)…22曲
Gradius Deluxe Pack (PS)…2 tracks グラディウス DELUXE PACK(PS)…2曲
Gradius Gaiden (PS)…5 tracks グラディウス外伝(PS)…5曲
Nemesis (ZXS)…1 track ネメシス(ZXS)…1曲
Nemesis (C64)…3 tracks ネメシス(C64)…3曲
Gradius (C64)…2 tracks グラディウス(C64)…2曲
Salamander (C64)…4 tracks 沙羅曼蛇(C64)…4曲
Full Track Listing----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01 - Gradius Generations (Game Boy Advance) - Opening
02 - Gradius Generations (Game Boy Advance) - Title
03 - Gradius Generations (Game Boy Advance) - Option (Morning Music)
04 - Gradius Generations (Game Boy Advance) - Select
05 - Gradius Generations (Game Boy Advance) - Dogfight 1
06 - Gradius Generations (Game Boy Advance) - Meteorite (Stage 1 BGM)
07 - Gradius Generations (Game Boy Advance) - Boss
08 - Gradius Generations (Game Boy Advance) - Dogfight 2
09 - Gradius Generations (Game Boy Advance) - Glass (Stage 2 BGM)
10 - Gradius Generations (Game Boy Advance) - Artificial Galaxy (Stage 3 BGM)
11 - Gradius Generations (Game Boy Advance) - Undeground Volcano (Stage 4 BGM)
12 - Gradius Generations (Game Boy Advance) - Moai (Stage 5 BGM)
13 - Gradius Generations (Game Boy Advance) - Organic (Stage 6 BGM)
14 - Gradius Generations (Game Boy Advance) - Comet (Stage 7 BGM)
15 - Gradius Generations (Game Boy Advance) - Fortress (Stage 8 BGM 1)
16 - Gradius Generations (Game Boy Advance) - Fortress (Stage 8 BGM 2)
17 - Gradius Generations (Game Boy Advance) - Fortress (Stage 8 BGM 3)
18 - Gradius Generations (Game Boy Advance) - Final Boss
19 - Gradius Generations (Game Boy Advance) - The Final Challenge (Stage 1 from Gradius)
20 - Gradius Generations (Game Boy Advance) - Game Over
21 - Gradius Generations (Game Boy Advance) - Name Entry
22 - Gradius Generations (Game Boy Advance) - Staff Roll
23 - Gradius Deluxe Pack (PlayStation) - Konami Walk Logo
24 - Gradius Deluxe Pack (PlayStation) - DEMO MOVIE
25 - Gradius Gaiden (PlayStation) - DEMO MOVIE
26 - Gradius Gaiden (PlayStation) - PROLOGUE - Male
27 - Gradius Gaiden (PlayStation) - PROLOGUE - Female
28 - Gradius Gaiden (PlayStation) - SOL (Stage 9 BGM 4)
29 - Gradius Gaiden (PlayStation) - LAST BOSS - You Die Here
30 - Nemesis The Final Challenge (Commodore 64) - The Final Challenge
31 - Nemesis The Final Challenge (Commodore 64) - Beginning Of The History (Dogfight)
32 - Nemesis The Final Challenge (Commodore 64) - Challenger 1985 (Stage 1 BGM)
33 - Gradius (Commodore 64) - Beginning Of The History (Dogfight)
34 - Gradius (Commodore 64) - Challenger 1985 (Stage 1 BGM)
35 - Nemesis The Final Challenge (ZX Spectrum) - Beginning Of The History (Dogfight)
36 - Bonus - Salamander (Commodore 64) - Stage 1 - The Power Of Anger
37 - Bonus - Salamander (Commodore 64) - Stage 2 - Fly High
38 - Bonus - Salamander (Commodore 64) - Stage 3 - Starfield
39 - Bonus - Salamander (Commodore 64) - Stage 4 - Planet Ratis
Game Boy Advance (GBA) Nintendo---------------------------------------------------------------------
ゲームボーイアドバンス (GBA) ニンテンドー(任天堂)
Gradius Generations - 2002
PlayStation (PS) Sony-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
プレイステーション (PS) ソニー
Konami Walk Logo - 1996-1999
Gradius Deluxe Pack - 1996
Gradius Gaiden - 1997
CBM C64 (C64) Commodore-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CBM C64 (C64) コモドール
Gradius - Unknown - 1987
The USA version of Nemesis, the tunes play at a slower speed from the PAL original, also the tune is
three channels instead of two (compared to Nemesis Tune #1).
Nemesis - Simon Pick - 1986
Simon was the programmer of the game and done the intro speech but did not program the music, the
musician for Nemesis and Gradius is unknown.
Salamander - Mark Cooksey - 1986
Stage 3 - Starfield and Stage 4 - Planet Ratis are the switched in the C64 version compaired to the
arcade release.
CPC 464-6128 (CPC) Amstrad--------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPC464ー6128 (CPC) アムストラッド
ZX Spectrum (ZXS) Sinclair--------------------------------------------------------------------------
ZXアムストラッド (ZXS) シンクレア
Nemesis - The Final Challenge - 198?
Release History-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Version 0.3 - 16th August 2023----------------------------------------------------------------------
Track '30 - Gradius (Arcade) - GRADIUS Spare BGM (Unused 2)' removed as it's already on Disc 1
(Track 13 at the end of the tune).
Re-recorded all the C64 tunes, also added Salamander tracks as a bonus.
Included all the original music files for the various systems:-
minigsf - Game Boy Advance
sid - Commodore 64
ay - ZX Spectrum
Version 0.3 - 5th March 2011------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gradius arcade ditty as it's already in the collection at the end of the Unused track.
Version 0.2 - 27th February 2011--------------------------------------------------------------------
Increased the volume on Gradius Generations by 7dB as it was way too quiet.
Version 0.1 - 26th February 2011--------------------------------------------------------------------
First Release.
All tunes Copyright (c) Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd. - 1985-2023
Unlike the PlayStation that uses XA audio (like mp3 buut Sony), the Sega Saturn Gradius related games have some normal CD audio tracks.
Here's an archive with all the tracks from the Gradius related games.
Sega Saturn Game Music - 145MB
Detana TwinBee Yahoo-! Deluxe Pack (NTSC-J) - VS012 (T-9505G)\02 - Track 2.flac
Detana TwinBee Yahoo-! Deluxe Pack (NTSC-J) - VS012 (T-9505G)\03 - Track 3.flac
Flash Vol.4 Sega Saturn (NTSC-J) - 610-6166-04\02 - Track 2.flac
Flash Vol.4 Sega Saturn (NTSC-J) - 610-6166-04\03 - Track 3.flac
Gokujou Parodius Da! Deluxe Pack (NTSC-J) - VS003 (T-9501G)\02 - Track 2.flac
Gokujou Parodius Da! Deluxe Pack (NTSC-J) - VS003 (T-9501G)\03 - Track 3.flac
Gradius Deluxe Pack (NTSC-J) - VS033-J1 (T-9509G)\02 - Track 2.flac
Gradius Deluxe Pack (NTSC-J) - VS033-J1 (T-9509G)\03 - Track 3.flac
Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius ~forever with me~ (NTSC-J) - VS041-J1 (T-9513G)\02 - Track 2.flac
Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius ~forever with me~ (NTSC-J) - VS041-J1 (T-9513G)\03 - Track 3.flac
Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius ~forever with me~ (NTSC-J) - VS041-J1 (T-9513G)\04 - Track 4.flac
Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius ~forever with me~ (NTSC-J) - VS041-J1 (T-9513G)\05 - Track 5.flac
Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius ~forever with me~ (NTSC-J) - VS041-J1 (T-9513G)\06 - Track 6.flac
Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius ~forever with me~ (NTSC-J) - VS041-J1 (T-9513G)\07 - Track 7.flac
Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius ~forever with me~ (NTSC-J) - VS041-J1 (T-9513G)\08 - Track 8.flac
Konami Antiques MSX Collection (NTSC-J) - VS120-J1 (T-9530G)\02 - Track 2.flac
Konami Antiques MSX Collection (NTSC-J) - VS120-J1 (T-9530G)\03 - Track 3.flac
Konami Antiques MSX Collection (NTSC-J) - VS120-J1 (T-9530G)\04 - Track 4.flac
Salamander Deluxe Pack Plus (NTSC-J) - VS057-J1 (T-9520G)\02 - Track 2.flac
Salamander Deluxe Pack Plus (NTSC-J) - VS057-J1 (T-9520G)\03 - Track 3.flac
Sexy Parodius (NTSC-J) - VS051-J1 (T-9514G)\02 - Track 2.flac
salamander.anime.-.dvdrip.h265.aac.japanese.-.english.subtitles.-.720x480.torrent - 887MB
Encoding Date....: 7th April 2019
Source...........: DVD
Runtime..........: 1x01 54.03 min - 1x02 51.43 min - 1x03 52.12 min
Size.............: Varies
Video Codec......: H.265/x265/HEVC
Bitrate....: Constant Quality 20 RF
Framerate........: NTSC 29.970 fps
Aspect Ratio.....:
4:3 (1.500)
Audio Codec......: AAC - 2 Channel - 160Kbps - 48KHz
Audio Language...: Japanese
Subtitles........: English - updated 4th March 2010
Genre............: Anime
Konami Video Collection - Konami Original Space Fantasy Adventure - Salamander
anime_salamander_animation_advert.mkv - 12.6MB
Konami Video Collection - Konami Original Space Fantasy Adventure - Basic Saga Salamander Meisou No Paora (Basic Saga Salamander "The Meditation Of Paora")
anime_salamander_2_animation_advert.mkv - 6.83MB
yu-gi-oh!_vic_viper_power_up.mkv - 4.21MB
anime_skygirls_vic_viper_appearance.mkv - 4.12MB
I'm not sure where to put this so I stuck it under Anime, super cute theme.
mitsukiakizono_cute_gradius.mkv - 2.02MB
Last year I bought a secondhand VHS video recorder with a build-in DVD recorder, I then spent a few weeks capturing all the Gradius videos I have.
In April 2019 I encoded all those videos on the PC to h265 HEVC, as they are still a little too large for the site, there will be torrents just like the Salamander anime I put up earlier.
These releases also include 300dpi scans of all the artwork with each release.
G.S.V. -
Game Simulation Video Series -
Konami Shooting Best - Gradius, Salamander, Gradius II
gsv_-_game_simulation_video_series_-_konami_shooting_best_-_gradius_salamander_gradius_ii_advert.mkv - 4.6MB
Encoding Date....: 6th-7th April 2019
Source...........: VHS
Runtime..........: Varies
Size.............: Varies
Video Codec......: H.265/x265/HEVC
Bitrate....: Constant Quality 20 RF
Framerate........: NTSC 29.970 fps
Aspect Ratio.....:
4:3 (1.500)
Audio Codec......: AAC - 2 Channel - 160Kbps - 48KHz
Audio Language...: Japanese
Subtitles........: None
Genre............: Game Simulation Video
a.jax.-.v65x8220.-.1988.-.720x480.vhsrip.h265.mkv.aac.japanese.torrent - 203MB
cr.parodius.da!.-.2000.-.720x480.vhsrip.h265.mkv.aac.japanese.torrent - 200MB
detana!!.twinbee.-.kive.16.-.1991.-.720x480.vhsrip.h265.mkv.aac.japanese.torrent - 865MB
gradius.-.kv002.-.1987.-.720x480.vhsrip.h265.mkv.aac.japanese.torrent - 155MB - 248MB
gradius.iii.~densetsu.kara.shinwa.e~.-.kive.12.-.1991.-.720x480.vhsrip.h265.mkv.aac.japanese.torrent - 843MB - 492MB
parodius.da!.-shinwa.kara.o-warai.e-.-.kive.11.-.1990.-.720x480.vhsrip.h265.mkv.aac.japanese.torrent - 627MB
salamander.-.v35x8219.-.21-03-1988.-.720x480.vhsrip.h265.mkv.aac.japanese.torrent - 188MB
thunder.cross.-.v38x9638.-.21-02-1989.-.720x480.vhsrip.h265.mkv.aac.japanese.torrent - 400MB
twinbee.-.kv003.-.1987.-.720x480.vhsrip.h265.mkv.aac.japanese.torrent - 205MB
twinbee.paradise.vol.0-3.-.tdvb-01-04.-.1999.-.720x480.vhsrip.h265.mkv.aac.japanese.torrent - 1GB
xexex.-.kive.15.-.1991.-.720x480.vhsrip.h265.mkv.aac.japanese.torrent.torrent - 844MB
solar_assault_gradius_title.mkv - 2.97MB - Title intro
16_-_solar_assault.mp3 - 621K - Title Intro music - Track 16 from the CD 'Konami Best Selection 98 Autumn' - 09-10-1998 - KICA-7913.
solar_assault_stage_10_ending.mkv - 13.2MB - Stage 10 and Ending on an actual machine.
beatmania_iidx_10th_style_-_gradius_(full_speed).mkv - 19MB
beatmania_gradius.mkv - 11MB - I don't know what version of the game this is from.
beatmania_iidx_7th_style_-_burning_heat!_(full_option_mix)_(mr.t).mkv - 7.11MB
aou07_otomedius.mkv - 14.1MB - AOU07 trade show in Japan.
gradius_deluxe_pack_intro.mkv - 25.2MB - Converted from the game file - GMX_30.STR
gradius_deluxe_pack_logo15xa.mkv - 1.86MB - Converted from the game file - LOGO15XA.STR
kingdom_hearts_ii_gradius.mkv - 7.05MB
kingdom_hearts_ii_ancient_highway_1_run.wmv - 7.19MB
kingdom_hearts_ii_ancient_highway_3_run.wmv - 6.84MB
kingdom_hearts_ii_asteroid_sweep_3_run.wmv - 7.04MB
kingdom_hearts_ii_broken_highway_1_run.wmv - 8.4MB
gradius_iii_and_iv_fukkatsu_intro_1.mkv - 131MB
gradius_iii_and_iv_fukkatsu_intro_2.mkv - 175MB
gradius_iii_and_iv_fukkatsu_power_meter_select.mkv - 627K
gradius_v_1.mkv - 1.07MB
gradius_v_2.mkv - 3.68MB
gradius_v_3.mkv - 1.61MB
gradius_v_4.mkv - 2.67MB
gradius_v_intro.mkv - 63.4MB
thanks JUN
dreammix_tv_world_fighters_moai_gameplay.mkv - 13.3MB
gradius_generation_final_challenge.mkv - 3.12MB
Movie by ForteMP3
gradius_nes_playaround_morimoto.mkv - 39.3MB - 8K
もりもと (Morimoto)
Morimoto picks only Speed upgrades and has fun with perfect reflexes. That's certainly something nice to do, because the game scrolls automatically and the player can't affect the speed.
gradius_iii_snes_-_playaround_-_tviks.mkv - 89.3MB - 16K
Advert for when the game released.
wii_gradius_rebirth_advert.mkv - 10.7MB
advert_pc_engine_salamander.mkv - 1.22MB
advert_famicom_gradius.mkv - 458K
advert_famicom_parodius_da!.mkv - 562K
advert_super_famicom_gradius_iii.mkv - 522K
advert_gokujou_parodius_-_pachinko_official-pv.mkv - 22.7MB
advert_gokujou_parodius_-_pachinko_premium_reach_actions.mkv - 22.4MB
advert_pachi_slot_twinbee.rar - 367MB - How to play the game DVD