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Zzap! World 64

The Great Giana Sisters

The Great Giana Sisters


Giana and her little sister Maria on a quest for the Huge Diamond



One night, when little Giana from Milano was fast asleep, she had a strange dream.  Everybody dreams weird things at night, but no-one will have experienced situations like Giana is about to.  Giana suddenly finds herself in a strange mysterious world, where everything is completely different.  Gravity has almost disappeared - sometimes one feels like flying away - and everywhere there are unexplainable building and structures.  Old grottos and deserted castles seem to hide lots of secrets, and frightening and hideous creatures appear.  This wouldn't be too bad, except that Giana can't leave this world unless she finds the magic, Huge diamond.   So, she starts searching for this wonderful jewel.  However, she is not totally alone, for her little sister Maria can dream too.

'The Great Giana Sisters' is 1987 All rights reserved.
Manufactured and distributed under license form Softgold/Rainbow Arts by GO! Media Holdings, a division of U.S.Gold Ltd

This great game came out for most of the system available at the time.


Commodore 64/128 Cassette and Disk

Commodore 64 Title

C64 Cassette Inlay

Zzap! Gold Medal Award
"The greatest platform game of all time?"

What more can I say.


Giana's Bonus Symbols Shot Shot
Fire Wheel The dear, well-behaved Giana changes into a small punk.  Suddenly she can smash up stones
Lightning Giana and Maria can throw dreambubbles
Double Lightning The dreambubbles rebound off obstacles and can then be caught again
Strawberries Strawberries With energy from this good fruit, the dreambubbles will take a completely different route
Clock When you press the SPACE BAR after collecting the clock, all creatures will fall into a magic sleep for a short period
Magic Bombs After pressing the SPACE BAR, this super-dreambubble makes all creatures on the screen vanish.  Save it for later!
Water Drop The water-drop makes Giana totally wet, but against fire it is extremely useful!
Lolli Lolli You can now dream for longer (in other words, you have an extra life)
All features that have been collected with the help of bonus symbols will be lost during an especially bad dream

Download The Great Giana Sisters - TAP - RAR - 66k

Emulator - WinVice

C64 emulator of choice on the PC is WinVice -

Sinclair Spectrum 48/128 +2 Cassette and Spectrum +3 Disk

The version never came out (but was reviewed in a few magazines)

Amstrad CPC464-6128 Cassette and Disk

I don't think this version ever came out.

Atari ST

Atari ST Disk Inlay

Atari ST Loading Screen

The ST was quite poor at side way scrolling, so this game had a unique flip scroll system..

This version had the best music.

Download The Great Giana Sisters - ST - RAR - 159k (Cracked Version)

Emulator - Steem

Commodore Amiga

Commodore Amiga Loading Screen

The Amiga version has the best graphic but the music is pretty poor compared to the Atari ST and C64 versions.

Download The Great Giana Sisters - ADF - RAR - 211k (Cracked Version)

Emulator - WinUAE



Download XGedit End by Chris Holm Version 3.0, a Total Remake


Download Instant Remedy - The Great Giana Sisters - MP3 - 2.15MB

Modern versions of the game

The game was and is still very popular, in fact popular enough for there to be a version for the PC (including a level editor and network/internet play up 16 players!!), plus some new official version for the Nintendo DS and Andriod.

Giana Worlds

Multiplayer player Giana fan based game.

Official Versions

Giana Sisters DS - Nintendo DS

A new version with some great looking graphics.

Armin Gesserts - Giana Sisters - Android

Same as the DS version but for Andriod.

Things to do

I will add the manual information, game level layouts, hidden warps, sid tunes, mp3 music, scans of the Zzap! 64 review etc... at a later date.


The original "The Great Giana Sisters" was developed by Armin Gessert

Registered trademark of © 2012 Black Forest Games


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