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Zzap World 64 Zzap! World 64 GSRcade GSRcade Media Media

Zzap! World 64

Apex Computer Productions


This section has all the known drawing taken from Zzap! 64 and Commodore Format, they were all drawn by Steve Rowlands apart from the image below that was drawn by Oliver Frey who also done the box art for Retrograde, Creatures 1 and 2

Drawn by Oliver Frey Creatures - drawn by Oliver Frey

Clyde Skiing Monster

Witch Creatures Shop

Concept art for the Witch and the Witch in the shop from Creatures.

Your dinner sir Your dinner sir Mr Chainsaw is back! Mr Chainsaw is back!

Uncle Clyde Art Uncle Clyde Pixel Art

Taken from the C64 game Creatures plus its concept art of the left


Old background tile by GameStone using original Steve Rowlands art from Clyde Adventures

Clyde Adventures

The Furthur Adventures of Clyde Radcliffe - Part 1 The Furthur Adventures of Clyde Radcliffe - Part 1 The Furthur Adventures of Clyde Radcliffe - Part 2 The Furthur Adventures of Clyde Radcliffe - Part 3

All images are scanned and retouched by GameStone, Original Art by Steve Rowlands

Music Select System II Custom Art

As you can see the original is very small by todays standards (63x21px) so the original has been resized to show the extra detail in the new version.

Music Select System II Original Size Original Size

Original ACP Logo

Music Select System II Original Logo

GameStone ACP Logo - v1

Resized and re-edited using original C64 colours.

Music Select System II GameStone Logo

GameStone ACP Logo - v2

Resized and re-edited using modern colours.

Music Select System II GameStone Logo


One thing I will say is Steve Rolands like his customs fonts used in all the games.

Every game used multiple sets of custom fonts Creatures has over six different fonts.

I will try to capture all the different version from the various games but this will take some time to do as there is just so much of them.

Fonts 1 Fonts 2 Fonts 3

Fonts 4 Fonts 5 Fonts 6 Fonts 7

Fonts 9

Fonts 8 Fonts 10 Fonts 11

Fonts 12 Fonts 13 Fonts 14


[T O P]